Workshops & Events

Women's Wellbeing:
Menses, Pelvic Health, and Menopause.

Date: Saturday, July 8th, 2023

Join us as we review anatomy, physiology, and how therapeutic Yoga and Ayurveda can help with the Menopause Transition. For Yoga students, teachers, therapists, and clinicians.

Co-presented with Beloved Yoga and Svastha Yoga and Ayurveda

Sitting on the beach in Lotus Position arms raised up in Anjali Mudra/Prayer Position

The Yoga of Stress Resilience
(for students of Inner Peace Yoga Therapy )

Date: November 17,18, and 19th, 2023

Join us as we review the stress response, human function and burnout, and how to apply therapeutic yoga techniques to heal yourself and others.